Care instructions for your instrument

Pianos and grand pianos are a long-term investment. To preserve the value of your instrument, tips and information on care and maintenance follow on this page:


You can already actively influence the value retention when setting up the instrument. If possible, do not position the instrument on an exterior wall. Here, the fluctuations in temperature and humidity are generally higher than on an interior wall.

If possible, avoid direct sunlight through windows to prevent fading of the surface. Veneered surfaces of the instruments are more sensitive than polyester lacquers.


Humidity has probably the greatest influence on pianos and grand pianos. The natural materials wood, leather and felt work with fluctuations in humidity. A constant humidity of around 50% improves tuning and avoids frequent readjustment of the action. Extreme dryness can cause cracks in the soundboard. The consequence is a cost-intensive repair. Humidifiers and the Piano Lifesaver System are suitable for maintaining a good humidity level in the instrument.


It is best to clean the surface of your instrument in two steps: Soft disposable feather dusters are excellent for removing dust. For polyester lacquered surfaces, you can wipe with a damp microfiber cloth or even with mild window cleaner. Veneered instruments or solid wood cases, on the other hand, do not tolerate moisture. In this case, after a few years, the piano maker should take care of the instrument. He knows suitable wood care products for your instrument.


Due to the high string tension forces of up to 30 tons, the steel strings continue to stretch for several years after the instrument has been strung. It is therefore recommended to have your instrument tuned at least once a year. Instruments that have not been tuned for several years often need at least 2 tunings to reach the desired pitch of 440Hz or 443 Hz.

Due to wear and tear and/or wear of the leathers and felts in the piano, it is recommended to have the action retuned about every 5 years and, if necessary, to remove the hammer heads and retune in order to preserve the usual beautiful sound of your instrument.